Of the twenty-four species of sturgeon that exist, eight produce caviar and are historically fished in the seas of Eurasia and in the Amur River along the Russian-Chinese border.
However, with wild sturgeon now close to extinction due to overfishing and black market trading, sustainable farmed caviar production is now flourishing worldwide.

The first written record of the word caviar dates back to the 1240s from the writings of Batu Khan - Genghis Khan’s grandson. It is widely documented that caviar have been first tasted on the shores of the Caspian Sea by the Azeri and Persians about 2000 years ago.
The Persians considered caviar to be a stimulant that increased their endurance and force.
The Roman Empire regarded it so highly that it was presented among garlands of flowers as it was presented to the royals. Caviar later made its appearance at the Russian Court in the middle ages, quickly becoming the preferred delicacy of their Royal Czars, followed by its move into Europe where it become the delicacy of Aristocrats of the Royal Courts.

Sturgeon fish that produce caviar, have roamed the seas and rivers for 250 million years, surviving since the age of the dinosaurs.
They are distinctive for their elongated bodies, lack of scales, and occasional great size ranging from 7–12 feet (2-3½ m) in length.
They are also the longest living fish, often living well over 100 years and attaining sexual maturity at 15 years or more. The combination of slow growth and reproductive rates and the extremely high value placed on mature egg-bearing females make sturgeon particularly vulnerable to overfishing.
Since 1997 all sturgeon species have been listed on CITES and wild sturgeon is increasingly rare. Today sustainable farming is the only reliable and legal producer of caviar.

Our farm was established in 1996 and is a private enterprise engaged in the protection and development of the endangered sturgeon species. The farm includes seven aquatic breeding bases, a fish feed processing plant, an aquatic products processing plant and training academy. It is recognized by CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species) as an “Export Enterprise in Farmed Sturgeon Products”.
Our sturgeon are farm-raised in mineral-rich water with natural foods and zero hormones, enabling us to supply caviar that is not only of the highest quality, but has been produced in a sustainable and ecologically responsible way.
Aqua farming not only produces top-quality caviar but is also a sustainable solution for a critically endangered species. The sturgeon are born in captivity and cared for up until the time the caviar is processed. Being raised in a controlled lifecycle environment with optimal harvesting cycles results in a consistency of quality sought by caviar aficionados around the world.

The taste of caviar is best described as a breath of fresh clean ocean air. It has a consistency of butter and melts in your mouth. Yet caviar is not only delicious, it is also healthy. The delicacy has long been appreciated for its exceptional nutritional value.
A single 15gm serving contains only 40 calories, 2.8 gm of fat and supplies the full daily requirement of vitamin's B-12,B-2,B-6,D-3. The potassium and magnesium content helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure and it is an excellent source of vitamin A, required by the body for maintaining healthy skin.

Many caviar connoisseurs believe that the best way to eat caviar is simply on its own, without any additions. However, chefs around the world serve caviar in a multitude of ways.
Caviar is served on toast with crème fraiche and chives as an appetizer to a meal, preparing the digestive systems for other dishes in the same way as soups do. Other more exotic caviar dishes include caviar with baked potato and crème fraiche, Caviar Gazpacho, Caviar & Mango and even Caviar Fried Rice.
Others believe the best way to experience caviar is to pair it with alcohol; caviar and champagne is the traditional French style, with a shot of vodka for the true Russian experience, or for something extra special, try it with cognac. Each taste sensation is different and its worth trying them all!
Caviar should not be cooked or it will toughen. If using it in a recipe, always add it toward the end of the preparation, or as a last-minute garnish.

If caviar is being served straight from the tin, the tin must be kept cold and be opened just before serving.
The best way to appreciate the sharpness of the product and to emphasize its multiple flavors is to handle it with a utensil that does not risk oxidizing the caviar. We strongly recommend the use a mother-of-pearl or gold spoon.
Ideally, caviar should be served in a crystal, glass or porcelain bowl, placed on a bed of crushed ice.
The ideal temperature for preserving caviar is between -2°C and +2°C, and should last from 3 to 6 months if kept in the coldest part of your refrigerator.
After opening, caviar should be consumed in 48 hours.